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Category: Dry Eye

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How Do You Treat Dry Eyes from Rosacea?

Did you know that people with facial rosacea—a condition characterized by redness, pimples, and small superficial dilated blood vessels on the face—often also experience symptoms of dry eyes? These symptoms include scratchy, irritated eyes that may appear red due to inflammation of the eyelids, which can be caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). This dysfunction […]

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Understanding Your Eye Irritation: Allergies or Dryness?

Have your eyes been feeling irritated these past few months? As we navigate through seasonal changes and various environmental triggers, it can be challenging to pinpoint whether our eye discomfort stems from allergies or dryness. Here’s a guide to help you discern between the 2 and find the appropriate relief. Allergic Conjunctivitis: Identifying the Signs […]

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