About Our Practice in Watertown

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Experienced, Quality Eye Care

With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Karen Koumjian has been a pillar of expertise in the eye care community. At Watertown Eye, Dr. Karen Koumjian and her team serve patients of all ages, providing medical and optical services. 

We can help with everything from eye disease management to eye nutrition and dry eye disease. Our eye exams are detailed and in-depth—we go that extra mile to help our patients truly understand their eyes and vision. 

Our team at Watertown Eye has worked hard to create an environment of learning and problem-solving. Contact us to schedule your appointment today and experience Watertown Eye for yourself.

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Our Commitment to You

At Watertown Eye, our mission is simple: to provide personalized service and high-quality care for our patients. When it comes to new patients, we listen to their experiences and sometimes cringe when we hear about past experiences that haven’t met their needs. We are always striving to be problem solvers and giving our best effort.

Our ultimate goal is to improve your daily comfort and quality of life by enhancing your vision, a vital primary sense for many people.

Insurance Carriers & Payment Plans

We work with the following insurance carriers at our practice:

If you don’t see your insurance provider listed above or want to find out if we work with your insurance carrier or vision plan, please don’t hesitate to contact our team for assistance.

Meet Our Team


Dr. Karen L. Koumjian


Dr. Hanieh Yaghoobi


Nicole Chase


Stephanie Berman

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