Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in Watertown

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Helping You Navigate Eye Disease

Eye disease can refer to a number of diseases related to your eyes and vision. The most common eye diseases include glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic eye disease, and corneal issues

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness, particularly in Americans 65 and older. However, other concerns like glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic eye disease may also have a higher risk of developing later on in life.

We want to help our patients understand eye disease through education and manage it through regular eye exams. During our eye exams, we use diagnostic technology such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optomap to get a full picture of your eye health.

We take a hands-on approach to detecting, monitoring, and co-managing eye diseases. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

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Early Detection Means Early Treatment

We always want to take action early when it comes to eye diseases, and consistent eye exams are a big part of that. Our comprehensive eye exams and technology can help us prepare a treatment plan as soon as possible by picking up on abnormalities or signs of potential problems.

Regular eye exams are important and allow our team to get a head start on finding solutions by detecting possible issues early.

Our Eye Disease Technology

Our technology plays a big role in what we do at Watertown Eye. The patient experience always comes first, and when you visit us, you can expect a detailed eye disease examination through our technology. 

We implement OCT imaging, optomap retinal exams, and other comprehensive tests into our comprehensive eye exams to capture all the details.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can provide Dr. Koumjian with an image of the retinas in the back of your eyes. Using an OCT machine, Dr. Koumjian can view the layers and specific measurements of your eyes and diagnose various diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.

The test only takes a few minutes and can capture in-depth information about the health of your eyes.

The optomap device scans the whole retina at the back of your eye. This instrument takes the place of dilation, which means you will not be blurred once you leave the office. An advantage of the optomap is that the scan is stored for future reference, and you get to see what your retinas look like. Optomap scans can be used for children as well as adults.

Many insurance plans do not cover this procedure unless there is a discovered pathology. 

The AdaptDx instrument can predict if you will experience macular degeneration 3 years before it shows up in your eyes. Those at risk of macular degeneration can proactively take MacuHealth nutritional supplements to strengthen their macula and prevent degeneration.

The iCare tonometer is a diagnostic tool used during our eye exams to measure intraocular pressure (IOP). Unlike other traditional tonometry methods, the iCare tonometer is designed to provide quick, easy IOP measurements without the need for anesthesia or puffs of air.

We implement the iCare tonometer in all our glaucoma exams.

XDEMVY: A Breakthrough Treatment for Demodex Blepharitis

Burning, irritated eyes can be more than a nuisance—they may be a sign of Demodex blepharitis, a common yet often overlooked eyelid condition caused by microscopic mites. 

We’re excited to offer XDEMVY, the first and only FDA-approved prescription eye drop designed to treat this condition at its source. By targeting the mites responsible for inflammation and eyelid discomfort, XDEMVY helps restore eye health and comfort.

If you’re experiencing red, crusty, or gritty eyes, schedule an appointment today to see if XDEMVY is right for you.

The Different Forms of Eye Disease

Eye diseases can be challenging to manage, and a big part of that is the different forms they come in. We want to help our patients understand the different forms of eye disease and some of their early symptoms—as well as the importance of getting regular eye exams for early detection. 

Dr. Koumjian is also more than happy to go more in-depth with you about specific eye diseases when you visit us for your appointment. 

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that cause damage to the optic nerve, which is responsible for sending visual information to your brain. Damage to the optic nerve can lead to vision loss and blindness if not detected and treated early.

Damage from glaucoma can be caused by high pressure in the eye, referred to as intraocular pressure. Age, family medical history, and previous eye injuries can all be contributing risk factors for glaucoma.While there is no cure for glaucoma, there are medications and surgery available that can help prevent further vision loss. Early detection and regular eye exams are vital to slowing the progress of the disease.

Cataracts develop when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes clouded and can include symptoms like blurry vision, dim or yellowed vision, and difficulty seeing at night.

If cataracts progress to a later stage and prevent you from going about your daily activities, such as reading or driving, cataract surgery may be recommended.

Diabetes is a condition that affects your blood sugar, but it can also affect your vision. Diabetes can increase your risk of developing eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy, which can be a significant vision loss concern for those affected.

Some signs and symptoms of diabetic retinopathy can include blurry vision, a loss of central vision, and difficulty seeing at night.

Early detection and treatment of diabetic eye disease can dramatically reduce your chances of experiencing permanent vision loss.

AMD is a progressive disease that affects your central vision, damaging the macula. This damage can make activities like reading and driving much more difficult. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss among older adults and has 2 main forms:

  • Dry AMD is the more common form of the disease and occurs in early, intermediate, and late stages. This form of AMD occurs when the macula thins with age.
  • Wet AMD is the less common form of the disease and can cause faster and more severe vision loss. Wet AMD occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow in the back of the eye and damage the macula.

We can diagnose and monitor AMD with OCT scans and offer MacuHealth supplements to help you manage the disease.

Corneal issues, such as scarring, keratoconus, and dryness can be quite challenging when it comes to eye health. These conditions can cause discomfort, blurry vision, and even impact daily activities.

Various treatments and remedies are available to address these corneal problems. For instance, specialized contact lenses or surgical interventions can help manage keratoconus, while artificial tears and lubricating eye drops can provide relief for dryness affecting your cornea.

Preserving Your Long-Term Eye Health

Our eye disease management services are built around preserving your long-term eye health. We know managing eye diseases can be stressful, but Dr. Koumjian and the rest of the team are here to help. 

Contact us to schedule your appointment and get started on addressing early signs of eye diseases today.

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